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Conference Videos: Where is the Middle East heading?

Below are the videos (it's both English and German) of the recent conference "Where is the Middle East heading? Ethno-religious minorities between persecution and self-determination" which was jointly organized by the Moses Mendelssohn Center at the University of Posdam, the Orient Institut Beirut and the Lepsiushaus Potsdam. The conference was hold at the European Academy Berlin:

My presentation in German about the current situation of the Druze in Syria starts at 2:35:00

Keynote: Nationalism, nation-states, minority rights, and historical identities in the post-Ottoman space

Panel I: Frühes 20. Jahrhundert, Erster Weltkrieg und Neugliederung des Nahen Ostens/Early 20th century, World War 1 and new order in the Middle East

Panel II Part1 & Part: 2 Minderheiten, Verfolgung und politische Interaktion/Minorities, persecution and political interaction

Panel III: Minderheiten, Konflikte und neue Einflüsse/Minorities, conflicts and new impacts
